Identify each director: The process of selecting directors should be the right mix of skill, experience and personality. The board of directors (B.D) must judiciously be challenged by the external directors in order not to be an endorsement body.
Diversity within the B.D naturally brings a different approach, creativity and reflection to increase the quality of management.
The collegiality of the B.D does not exclude a division of tasks within it.
The role of the committees is to prepare the work of the B.D and to provide specialized work. They have the power of advisory opinion and report to the B.D.
Describe the roles and responsibilities of the chair of the B.D, chef executive officer (CEO) and any other director with specific responsibilities or specific responsibilities (eg, shareholder or other stakeholder relations).
Explain the business model of the company and the company’s strategy, including the main challenges of their execution (and how they will be treated).
Integrate effective risk management, taking into account both opportunities and threats across the organization.
Promote a corporate culture: explain how the board ensures that the company has the necessary means to determine that ethical values and behaviors are recognized and respected.
Communicate how the company is governed and operates by maintaining a dialogue with shareholders and other relevant stakeholders, include historic annual report and other governance documents including the opinions of all general meetings held over the past five years and include a report of the compensation committee (or equivalent report if such committee is not in place).